Monday, March 22, 2010

Playstation Move...

I'll be honest...I really don't know how to feel about the Playstation Move, hence why I'm so late in talking about it. When it was first announced at last year's E3, the idea of new technology that would beat the Wii at its own game and bring even more options to the Playstation was an exciting one. Now though, as most people will say, the emotions are mixed. For me though this has nothing to do with Sony's unveiling of the Move at this years GDC and more for the fact that now that I think about it, the Move isn't something I'd see myself purchasing. Most of my friends and I are the type of people who play sports games, shooters, and action games...all of which a dualshock controller handles excellently. I think alot of PS3 owners share this sentiment in some way, shape, or form but it'll be interesting to see how Sony plans to tap the casual gamer market. Until then here are some photos and the trailer for the Move. Enjoy.

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